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HeinOnline User Rules

HeinOnline User Rules

Copyright Permission:  In general, HeinOnline, a product of the William S. Hein & Co., Inc, is an aggregation of third party publishers’ content.  As such, HeinOnline does not own the intellectual property of the content in its database.  For copyright permission please contact the publisher.  To determine who the publisher is please consult the verso page of the publication (opposite the title page) or click on the more information icon next to the title.
Description Permitted Note

Permitted Users of HeinOnline

Current students, undergraduate & postgraduate Yes Both on-site and remotely if by a secure network.
Faculty staff and other staff members (employees), including temporary but not retired staff Yes Both on-site and remotely if by a secure network
*Note: retired staff are not included.
Contractors (staff or researchers) Yes Both on-site and remotely if by a secure network.
Any teachers of authorized users at the subscribed institution Yes
Walk-in users Yes Only on-site in library, no remote off-site access allowed.
Alumni See
Alumni access of the Law Journal Library is available with a separate subscription.

Overall Types of Use of HeinOnline

Education, teaching, research, distance learning, private study Yes
Noncommercial distance learning Yes
Commercial use No Recovery of direct costs (e.g. for photocopying), and use of the e-resource in the course of research funded by a commercial organization, are not considered to be commercial use.

Specific Types of Use of HeinOnline

University can make temporary local copies Yes Only computer cache copies are allowed.
Staff & students can search in the e-resource to retrieve, display, and view the content Yes
Staff can make print copies for classroom use Yes
Staff & students can print parts of the e-resource Yes
Staff and students can save parts of the e-resource electronically Yes
Staff can incorporate parts of the e-resource in printed course packs, study packs, resource lists Yes Small portions for educational purposes are acceptable as long as in accordance with United States Copyright Law. Full acknowledgement of the source (e.g. e-resource title and publisher) must be included.
Staff can include parts of the e-resource in virtual learning environments (VLE) Yes Small portions for educational purposes are acceptable as long as in accordance with United States Copyright Law. Full acknowledgement of the source (e.g. e-resource title and publisher) must be included.
Staff can incorporate a link to an article in electronic course packs, study packs, resource lists Yes Educational purposes are acceptable as long as in accordance with United States Copyright Law. Full acknowledgement of the source (e.g. e-resource title and publisher) must be included.
Staff can incorporate a link to an article in an electronic virtual learning environment on the institution’s secure network Yes Educational purposes are acceptable as long as in accordance with United States Copyright Law. Full acknowledgement of the source (e.g. e-resource title and publisher) must be included.
Staff can make Braille versions of parts of the e-resource Yes Small portions for educational purposes are acceptable as long as in accordance with United States Copyright Law. Full acknowledgement of the source (e.g. e-resource title and publisher) must be included.
Students can include parts of the e-resource in printed form in assignments, portfolios, theses and dissertations Yes Small portions for educational purposes are acceptable as long as in accordance with United States Copyright Law. Full acknowledgement of the source (e.g. e-resource title and publisher) must be included.
Students can include parts of the e-resource in electronic form in assignments, portfolios, theses and dissertations Yes Small portions for educational purposes are acceptable as long as in accordance with United States Copyright Law. Full acknowledgement of the source (e.g. e-resource title and publisher) must be included.
Library can provide a single printed copy of a single article to authorized users on request Yes In accordance with United States Copyright Law.
Library can provide an electronic copy of a single article to authorized users on request Yes In accordance with United States Copyright Law.
The library can provide a single paper copy of an electronic original to authorized users at non-commercial libraries in the same country by post, fax or email Yes In accordance with United States Copyright Law.
The institution can display, download, and printing parts of the e-resource for promotion, testing or training authorized users Yes Full acknowledgement of the source (e.g. e-resource title and publisher) must be included. Small portions for educational purposes are acceptable as long as in accordance with United States Copyright Law.
Staff and students can use parts of the
e-resource in presentations and workshops
Yes In accordance with United States Copyright Law. It is good practice to acknowledge the source (e.g. e-resource title and publisher).

Not Allowed of HeinOnline

Institution can store articles written by authors attached to the institution in a repository of their choice 12 months after the article’s publication date and make the article available in open access No The Institution needs to provide HeinOnline with a list of the articles and the name of the repository, at which time we will make a decision.
Parts of the Licensed Material may be saved and/or deposited in perpetuity in a secure repository, accessible only to authorized users No The Institution needs to provide HeinOnline with a list of the articles and the name of the repository, at which time we will make a decision.
Users may use the Licensed Material to perform and engage in text mining and data mining activities for academic research and other Educational Purposes. They may mount, load and integrate the results on a Secure Network and use the results in accordance with this License. No This is not permitted.
The Institution or Authorized User will own the database rights created as a result of text mining/data mining No This is not permitted.
Institutions can mount and use Metadata in bespoke and commercially available library systems to manage library operations No Seek permission first.
Library staff can modify the Metadata and create new Metadata of the Licensed Material No This is not permitted.
The Institution or Authorized User will own any intellectual property rights in the Metadata and Modifications generated by the Institution or the Authorized User No This is not permitted.
Displaying any part of the e-resource on a public website No Only if you get permission from the copyright holder.
Removing or modifying copyright notices No
Altering, adapting or modifying the content of the e-resource or any part of it No Except to the extent required to make it perceptible on a computer screen.
Systematically printing or downloading parts of the e-resource for any purpose beyond those permitted under the section above No This is not permitted.
Systematically printing or downloading the e-resource or any part of it to stock or replace print holdings of an entire issue of a journal or a book No This is not permitted.
Distributing the whole or any part of the e-resource to anyone other than an authorized user of the institution No This is not permitted.
Selling any part of the e-resource No This is not permitted.

Click here for a PDF version of the HeinOnline User Rules.

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